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Handwritten Font
Back again with another font and another description that isn't helpful! I'm truly on a roll here. Anyway, this font is super adorable, crisp, and with just a hint of handwritten vibes, i think it's perfect for letters, address stamps, baby shower invites, or basically anything. The true beauty about fonts is you can use whatever you want wherever you want...It may not look great, but that is totally up to you. Ok, I'm literally just writing random words at this point and I should probably end this before it gets too wordy. Right?
Your purchase will include a ZIP file with your font and a disclaimer! Please review the disclaimer before use.
***This is a non-refundable purchase so please read everything carefully. After completion of your order, the file containing the digital asset can be downloaded immediately from Etsy. If you're purchasing from Society6, please refer to the copyright and fine print from there. This is an original design/font/pattern made by AlygDraws. This design/font/pattern is for personal use only and is not for distribution in any form. Please do not sell anywhere or post this design/font/pattern online. This design/font/pattern may not be returned or exchanged. All sales are final! You can sell items made from this design/font/pattern, provided that they are handmade by yourself in a limited number and you give credit to AlygDraws, the designer.***
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