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Keep On
Digital Print

Sometimes to get through it, you just gotta get through it. So much easier said than done, I know. Sometimes having something right in front of you, telling you to keep going, really helps. I hope this helps you. I believe in you!
Included with your purchase is a JPG.
*I had to list these as physical items so I could show you all the pretty color variations! As soon as you place your order, I will make sure to send your print as fast as I can, just make sure there is a valid email address so you can get your pretty prints! Thank you so much!*
***This is a non-refundable purchase so please read everything carefully. After completion of your order, the file containing the digital asset can be downloaded immediately from Etsy. If you're purchasing from Society6, please refer to the copyright and fine print from there. This is an original design/font/pattern made by AlygDraws. This design/font/pattern is for personal use only and is not for distribution in any form. Please do not sell anywhere or post this design/font/pattern online. This design/font/pattern may not be returned or exchanged. All sales are final! You can sell items made from this design/font/pattern, provided that they are handmade by yourself in a limited number and you give credit to AlygDraws, the designer.***
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